Mobile II Version & Release Notes Release Notes
Release Date: 11/30/2017
Be sure to update Total Office Manager to version 10.7.52 or higher prior to updating Aptora Mobile II. Please read the release notes outlined below before updating.

Software Updates:
Fixes and Corrections
1. Corrected Sales Tax rounding issue
2. Corrected Mobile Timesheet entries not calculating duration correctly.
3. Corrected error when removing automatically added subtotal item from Work Order and Invoice
4. Corrected error on adding group items on Invoices
5. Corrected adding items to a selected position Eg.position (1,2,3)
5. Verizon GPS List now skips duplicate location entries until the vehicle changes locations
7. Corrected issue when quick adding invoice for customer with child account having more than 50 characters.
8. Error processing request on Work order print preview fixed. Print preview on Work Orders now looks at preference in Total Office Manager for bill to and ship to address. Defaults to Company name if preference doesn’t apply.
9. Corrected issue with adding customer equipment from the Work Order

New Features
Admin can now login to mobile and enter manual timesheets for employees selected from a drop down menu Release Notes
Release Date: 11/30/2017
Be sure to update Total Office Manager to version 10.7.52 or higher prior to updating Aptora Mobile II. Please read the release notes outlined below before updating.

Software Updates:
Fixes and Corrections
1. Fixed issue with sales tax not calculating for non-group sales tax items.