Mobile II Version Release Notes

Release Date: 1/16/2017
Required Total Office Manager Version 10.6.* or higher

– Corrected rare instance of En-Route button not starting time clock.

– Increased the Maximum Search Results from 100 to 300. Users will need to se this in Settings > Display Settings.

– WorkOrder/Print (Work Order -> Menu -> Print Preview) should now show Amount Due when Signature Pre-Auth is hit / should remain hidden if Settings/WorkOrder/Exclude WO Sub Total and Total is set to Yes.

– WorkOrder/Signature (Capture Signature in single work order menu) should now be fully outlined.

– My Flat Rate Book showing the correct items chosen from Settings -> MyFlatRateBookSettings -> Include in Flat Rate Book

– Security -> (Pick User) -> Allow user to Cancel Work Orders: After this is set, go to Work Order -> Edit and in the status drop down list Cancel should either show or be hidden based on the preference.

– Lists -> Customer Equipment -> (pick entry) Equipment History should show Sales, Work Orders, and Service Agreements along with the number for each entry. If one of these is clicked, the number next to them should be the number of results you can see.