Total Office Manager Update
Release Notes for Version 20.8.2000
Release Date: 8/25/2020 (rolling release)
Thank you for trusting Aptora Corporation with your business management software. We appreciate your feedback and support.
Database Update
This update will require all other users to be logged out so that the database can be updated.
Enhancements and Fixes
- The schedule board now features the ability to decouple the unscheduled work order list panel, schedule board area, and map. You can move these elements to any part of your screen including a different monitor. They can be free-floating, or you can dock them. We made a four-minute YouTube video to show you how it works.
- Added a Convert to Bill to the menu button on the Bills form. This was a feature request from our June 3rd webinar with James Leichter.
- Added a Find in GJ to Item Receipts, Bills, Credits, Credit Card Charges, Credit Card Credits, and non-Payroll Checks. We used the same Find in GJ as we already have for Invoices and Sales. This was a feature request. Ticket JL259
- We added the Work Order Contact Log Notification feature found in Aptora Mobile II. Now when you enter a Contact Log in Total Office Manager, mobile users will receive a notification the same way they do when a Contact Log entry is made in mobile. This was a feature request.
- Added a Map Code Filter on Customer:Job List. The Map Code field can now be found on the Quick Filter, User Filter, Global Filter, and Form Preferences. This was a feature request. Ticket 25344
- Memorized invoices have always used the sales tax item/code found on the original invoice. We now use the sales tax item and code from the customer form. This will make it easier to update sales tax for memorized invoices. This was a feature request. Ticket 16886
- We added what is being called Customer Zone Pricing. This work was paid custom programming for a specific business purpose. This feature adds the ability to establish up to ten alternative retail prices for each item. That option is found under the Invoice Item “Setup Bins and Reorder Points” button. You may then select a default zone for any customer using the existing Markup/Markdown selection list. When creating invoices, this zone will be used to price all items. Each item can be changed if needed. Upon activation of this feature, you will see Zone 1 through Zone 10 in all existing Markup/Markdown selection lists. This is a $499 Premium feature. It may be activated by contacting your account manager. It is activated by clicking Help > Premium Features and click the Click to Activate button. You must then go to Preferences > Items > Company Preferences and check the Enable Zone Pricing option. Ticket 25859
- We added the Stages feature to the line items on estimates, sales, invoices, and credits. To add this option, from the main menu, click Company > Lists > Stage List. Open a Stage and check the new option. On the invoice related forms, click Menu > Form Preferences, and check the Stage checkbox. This was a paid feature request. Ticket 25235
- Added Equipment Document Links to the Customer Document Links. This was a feature request. Ticket 25581b
- Added Customer ID label to the Customer:Job form. This displays the internal database ID for that customer. This can be helpful when dealing with import and export files. This was a feature request. Ticket JL271
- We tried to make the employee setup a little easier. We revamped the query to pull only those taxes tied to the employee deduction setup which are also tied to the employee tax setup. Ticket CSM029
Bug Fixes and Fine Tuning
- Fixed an auto-submitted yellow screen error related to “modRecords.checkEtrans() connection failure”.
- Fixed a bug with Asset Manager mileage direct entry. This bug was not public. Ticket JL269
- The 940 was showing an incorrect year. Ticket #24266
- Fixed some issues with Batch EPay for Canadian beta companies testing the new credit card system.
- The Alternative SMTP Email system now the email settings “Mail From” rather than the logged-in Username. Ticket 25750
- Yellow screen error when opening a Fixed Asset. This problem was not reported by a user. Ticket CSM031
- Group Item and Group Item Import Changes. Please see the complete notes at the bottom. Ticket JL247
- Resolved an issue that allowed moving an escrow movement out of a closed period. Ticket 25345
Important Group Item Changes
The following changes were incorrectly reported in the release notes for version 20.6.2200 on 6/23/2020. This work was not part of version 20.6.2200. The work was released in this version.
The Issue
It has come to our attention that Discount item types are being allowed on Group Items. This situation was creating problems for group items. Using discounts inside of a group item is not a best practice and allowing it was never our intention. We have removed the ability to do this.
Best Practice
Please add the discount(s) below the group item.
Adding Items to a Group Item Type
The following item types are allowed on a Group Item. Service Agreement Invoice Item, Non-Inventory, Inventory Part, Serialized, Service, and Other Charge (Dollar only). We do not allow Sales Tax Items, Sales Tax Groups, Payments, Discounts, Sub-Totals, and Other Charge (% type).
Saving the Group Item
If you edit a Group Item that contains a Discount, Sub-Total, or Payment, you will be required to delete those items.
Importing Group Items
The same rules apply for importing Group Items.