When adding parts to the system a box that you check if you want that part to automatically add to equipment like serialize items do. This would save a ton of time manually entering non-serialized equipment into the system
When adding parts to the system a box that you check if you want that part to automatically add to equipment like serialize items do. This would save a ton of time manually entering non-serialized equipment into the system
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Are you talking about invoicing a serialized item and the system asks if you want to add that equipment to the customer’s equipment list? If yes, is there a reason why you have not set it up as serialized? Does it not have a serial number?
So customer’s have unique equipment that we need to know like electric strikes or door hardware (IE panic bar vs lever) but this hardware is not serialized. As of right now we have to manually add this equipment to the system so when we have a service call the dispatcher knows what hardware to note in the call for the tech to bring incase its bad. The idea of this feature is to tell the system to add this to the “equipment” tab the same way the serialized items do. This way you can choose which parts are important to be added to the equipment tab but its not cluttered with unnecessary parts and reduces the time it takes to manually add this parts.