What we’re asking for today as a new feature is a way to show: We DO want the Customer to receive the reminder that we will be to their house for the system replacement, but we DO NOT want them to receive a reminder the day before when we’re working in the shop on their job. We get a lot of calls from Customers who think we all have our dates wrong for actual on site work orders. Maybe this could be a checkbox on each work order that reads, “No Confirmation Auto Email required” or an extra detail selection in the Work Order Type to select “Does not prompt Auto Emails.”
Back story: We make work orders for anything that is billable – whether to a Customer or as Overhead, etc – because we are trying to job cost for every job/Customer. We also use “Auto Emails” for Reminders and Confirmation. We don’t want Auto Emails to go out for certain Work Order types. For example, we may have a work order type named “Shop Time” for a Customer for 2 hours in the sheetmetal shop, and then the next day a work order named “System Replacement” for the actual system installation for that same Customer.