Export/Import timesheets between companies

5 months agoopen0

THIS REQUEST is for the ability to export/import timesheets between companies.
“On advice of tax and legal liability council” we now have a 2nd company (“LABOR”) that provides all manpower, pays employees and pays tax liabilities.
We use our original company (“OPS”) to create detailed timesheets to provide reimbursable labor entries for customer invoicing, but the “OPS” company entering time sheet details and billing customers no longer pays employees. “OPS” purchases all manpower from the new “LABOR” company which “employs” everyone, but only has one customer (“OPS”).
Timesheets in “OPS” are entered, then we “Process Payroll Group”, “Process Paychecks” and stop.
Opening the “PAYROLL” company we manually thick-finger the total hours from the “OPS” “Process Payroll Group” screen. Before completing payroll in “LABOR” we manually compare the “Process Paychecks” screen in “OPS” with the same in “LABOR” for errors. If they agree we complete payroll in “LABOR”.
“LABOR” then invoices “OPS” one lump sum for all labor, taxes, and payroll liabilities. “OPS” enters that payable as COLS then pays “LABOR”
Because COLS hits GL from “LABOR” we DO NOT post the “OPS” paychecks.
This manual transfer process between companies is time consuming and error prone.
Also, we cannot easily create prevailing wage reporting in “OPS” because the employee checks are unposted, and cannot create those reports in “LABOR” because there is no timesheet detail.
Being able to export/import time sheets between companies would solve these issues.

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