Aptora Mobile II Release Notes
Release Date: 1/22/2021 (rolling release)
Your Apple devices must be on iOS version 13.0 or higher to use the Aptora Mobile II app.
When updating, please stop the Internet Information Services (IIS) website for Aptora Mobile II prior to running the Mobile Configuration Utility. Make sure that users clear the cache on the browser and/or the Aptora Mobile II application. This is the best practice with any website update to prevent conflicts with website code changes. If you are not logged into the mobile server and the computer/network administration, please right click on the Mobile Configuration Utility and run as administrator.
Enhancements and Fine Tuning
- We added better grid layout for the lists view, so the width sizing of the drop-down button and filtering change to fit the entire width of the list view.
- Added Authorize.Net Tokenization. This system is in beta testing so most of you will not be seeing it until it is released to the general public.
- Added Profiling and Tokenization to payments made with credit cards. This system is in beta testing so most of you will not be seeing it until it is released to the general public.
- Time Clock Plus – User Settings – Displaying Inactive Users. Ticket: 27417
- Executive Summary pages are now working with new UI. Ticket: 27853