Aptora Mobile II Release Notes

Aptora Mobile II Release Notes
Release Date: 03/31/2021 (rolling release)

Your Apple devices must be on iOS version 13.0 or higher to use the Aptora Mobile II app.

When updating, please stop the Internet Information Services (IIS) website for Aptora Mobile II prior to running the Mobile Configuration Utility. Make sure that users clear the cache on the browser and/or the Aptora Mobile II application. This is the best practice with any website update to prevent conflicts with website code changes. If you are not logged into the mobile server and the computer/network administration, please right-click on the Mobile Configuration Utility and run as administrator.

Enhancements and Fine Tuning

  1. We added a message on Auto Email Feature for when there is no email on file for that customer when clicking on the stopwatch lets the user know they don’t have one.
  2. We added the ability for a Non-administrator user to access Automated Text Messages Settings.
  3. We improved searching for items by adding the ability to search for a group alias in items, results now show group items.
  4. We added the ability to info stamp to notes fields on Work Orders.
  5. Photos in Documents Links can now be viewed with selected apps outside of Aptora Mobile II. Non-image files in another app on phone apps. Non-image files in Document Links should let you open them into another app.
  6. Photos in Documents Links can now be viewed with selected apps outside of Aptora Mobile II.


  1. Fixed issue with documents not being able to be downloaded or available on multi-day work orders
  2. Line-Item total not displaying correctly on print preview. Ticket: 20719