Aptora Mobile II Release Notes

Aptora Mobile II Release Notes
Release Date: 05/14/2021 (rolling release)

Your Apple devices must be on iOS version 13.0 or higher to use the Aptora Mobile II app.

When updating, please stop the Internet Information Services (IIS) website for Aptora Mobile II prior to running the Mobile Configuration Utility. Make sure that users clear the cache on the browser and/or the Aptora Mobile II application. This is the best practice with any website update to prevent conflicts with website code changes. If you are not logged into the mobile server and the computer/network administration, please right-click on the Mobile Configuration Utility and run as administrator.

Enhancements and Fine Tuning

  1. We added a column called “Watch List”. The value is either Yes or No. If Yes, the font is red and bold for the entire line.
  2. We changed the font size on PDF emails. We now use font type Calibri, font size 11. It is not possible for everyone to agree on what to use. We also feel that it beyond the scope of an app to offer a utility to build your own reports. This is the Microsoft best practice, so we decided to go with this widely accepted standard.
  3. Added a View button to the Work Order Equipment list. This allows users to quickly open a piece of equipment and view the details.
  4. We added Sub-Divisions to address area on Work Orders. It is now the same as the Customer:Job.
  5. We improved the wording of the Automated Email settings for the Confirmation and Thank You options.


  1. Ticket 27231: Fixed a reported issue with signature capture.
  2. Ticket 27285: Fixed an error related to saving Form Builder forms to the Customer Document Links list.
  3. Ticket 28746: Addresses not always populating in Google Maps. This was device dependent.
  4. Ticket 29210 and 30617: Create Work Order action was not redirecting to the correct page.
  5. Ticket 29268 and 30615: Loan Payment Amount from the Investment Guide was not displaying properly in the Estimate.
  6. Ticket 30151: The “Attn:” field was not populating on invoices created from work orders.
  7. Ticket 30211: Date in body of Send PDF email is using date created.
  8. Ticket 30371: Invoice created from an Estimate removes the serialized items.
  9. Ticket 30610: Cannot select an estimate on a new Sales Opportunity.
  10. Fixed an email issue related to Purchase Orders. The app would sometimes lock up.
  11. Fixed a 404 error on Reminders that were created from the mobile Calendar.
  12. The Reimbursable option is not being checked when viewed from a Timesheet in Total Office Manager, when adding a timesheet manually in the app.
  13. Fixed the Record ID in the Audit Trail for adding and editing a work order.

Struggling with Aptora Mobile II?

Do not struggle. We can help. Contact your Account Representative today for options.