Aptora Mobile II

Release Notes for Version: Mobile II and AMFB 2.6.13
Release Date: 10/07/2022

Your Apple devices must be on iOS version 13.0 or higher to use the Aptora Mobile II app.

When updating, please stop the Internet Information Services (IIS) website for Aptora Mobile II prior to running the Mobile Configuration Utility. Make sure that users clear the cache on the browser and/or the Aptora Mobile II application. This is the best practice with any website update to prevent conflicts with website code changes. If you are not logged into the mobile server and the computer/network administration, please right-click on the Mobile Configuration Utility and run as administrator.

This update includes bug fixes and enhancements from both Aptora Mobile II and Aptora Mobile Form Builder.

Aptora Mobile II – Bug Fixes

  1. Ticket #35377:  Service Agreements were not being included when being filtered in the services button, this has been fixed.
  2. Ticket #36572:  The prices were not staying overridden on Invoices, this has been fixed.
  3. Ticket #36619: We Added validation to alert customers when a payment link is not valid.
  4. The markup method in Mobile II was not following the format in Total Office Manager; this has been fixed.

AMFB – Enhancements and Fine Tuning

  1. We added a new calculate option that allows the field to calculate a value from other fields.
  2. We added a quick copy to replicate the existing field, this is done by checking the box “Copy Field to Next”.
  3. We added a Created By / Last Edited By field to display when the form was modified and created by.

AMFB – Bug Fixes

  1. Ticket #28452: Remote selectors were not showing the Properties (fields) that had been selected, this was fixed.
  2. Ticket #30060: An error was created when editing the Form Builder Form, this has been fixed.
  3. The Field List was freezing the entire program when scrolling up and down. You had to close and reopen the program to unfreeze the Field List.  We have fixed this.
  4. When selecting the database for accessing form builder, some selections were not saving.  This has been fixed.
  5. We fixed the Date Selector in Aptora Mobile II. When you tried to enter a date, there was no date selector option, however,  you could enter a date manually. We have eliminated the formatting and it functions like a text box now.

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