Release Date: 08/10/2016
Required Total Office Manager Version: 10.5.17 or higher.
– This update contains several bug fixes related to the following:
Estimate Status
Warehouse and Estimate Assignment
Work Order Statuses
GPS Tracking
Mobile Discount Auto Add when creating Invoices from Work Orders
Auto Confirmation Email Settings
Reimbursables in Timesheets
Saving a Customer Phone
– New Features Added:
Added feature to color code work priorities.
Added Estimate By User Preference.
Added category filter to Item Lookup.
Added feature that opens native maps when clicking on an Address.
Added MEID lookup feature in Help. (App Version Only)
Android App Update
Release Date : 08/10/2016
2.7 Release Notes
Requires Aptora Mobile II Version
The information in this section relates to the new Android App specifically. The app is separate from the Aptora Mobile II website version. To download the Android App the from Google Play Store, click here.
In addition to the Mobile II Release Notes listed above, the following updates were made to the Android App version:
Added feature for collecting credit card payments via image capturing. The App uses the device's camera to take a picture of the credit card. It then reads the credit card information and transmits the information to the App.
File upload and document link download issues for Android Lollipop and above have been fixed.
Enhanced GPS tracking for Schedule Board Mapping System.
New Features to Aptora Mobile II:
– New Aptora Mobile II Performance Dashboard:
– Company Sales Dashboard
– Employee Sales Dashboard
– Company Employees Dashboard
– Single Employee Dashboard
– Company Service Agreements Dashboard
– Employee Service Agreements Dashboard
– Company Invoices Dashboard
– Employee Invoices Dashboard
– Company Phone Activity Dashboard
– Company Income Statement Dashboard (new)
– Added feature to create Sales Opportunity from Work Order.
– Added feature to create Estimate from Sales Opportunity.
– Added feature to create Estimate from Work Order.
– Added GPS Tracking List. This will display a list of all users who have downloaded our Aptora Mobile II App from the Google Play Store. Each entry displays user, date, time and location. This will dislay a map of asset that is connected with a user. List can be filtered by Date, Time, or Employee ( if applicable).
– Added new feature called Services. Administrator can set up settings for techs to only add certain services on Work Orders and Invoices.
– Added new feature Flat Rate Pricing task discount. Administrator can set up settings to automatically include certain discounts for tasks on Work Orders and Invoices.
– Added new feature Service Agreement discount. Administrator can set up settings to automatically add discount to Work Orders or Invoices with Service Agreements.
– New feature called Fast Item Update. You can change quantities of items all at once that are being added and will recalculate all totals automatically.
– New and improved Date Picker throughout Aptora Mobile II. You will now see a calendar drop down when selecting dates in Aptora Mobile II and Aptora Form Builder.
– New Historical Work Order permission. When selected to On, this will only show past Work Orders. This applies to My Work Order List, Work Order List, Customer History, My Calendar and Company Calendar.
– Added Sales Rep and new filter to Invoice and Sales List.
– We added fast loading lists for the Customer and Work Order Lists. This feature helps with faster speeds, performance boost and run time when loading a Customer or Work Order List in Aptora Mobile II. This specifically applies to large companies with lots of data. Other Lists to follow.
– Added search, sort functionality and Date column to My Timesheet List.
– Added Timesheet List with advanced filters and security (same permission as the current Company Timesheet Entry option).
– Added a My Timesheet List to the main form with security control (same permission as the current Add My Timesheet Entry option).
– Added an Automatic Timesheet entry system for the Work Order. This is a start and stop system. See the new Stop Watch icons. You can only use this feature for Work Order's assigned to you and can only start one at a time. A red timer will display the time for current Work Order timesheet. A red link will also be on the Home page and My Timesheet list to alert User of open running Timesheet.
– A Bluetooth Barcode Scanner feature was added to the item lookup. This feature will quickly add scanned items when the search type is set to "Exact Match (barcode)".
– New Photo upload for employee, customer equipment, company asset, items, group items with security.
– We replaced the current series of icon shortcuts with a nice sliding menu for all forms.
– We added visual graphs to the income statements found in Executive Summary > Income Statement.
– Added Quick Look-up for Serialized Customer Equipment. Just enter a serial number and click Search.
– Added Android Settings for admin only (this is for company and user messages sent to Android devices. Android App will be available soon. Please contact us for more information on this great new product that includes GPS tracking for Schedule Board and instant notfications).
– GPS settings for admin only (this is for GPS interval for android devices. Android App will be available soon. Please contact us for more information on this great new product that includes GPS tracking for Schedule Board and instant notfications).
– Added Callcap® fields on phone records. If you are interested in integrating Callcap into your Total Office Manager experience, please contact us.
– Added our Document Links feature to the Company Asset form.
– Company image on company record. If no image, a ‘no image’ image shows.
– Work order history from Total Office Manager that incudes timesheet, PO and invoices. This feature displays history specific to that work order.
– Added security permissions for work order, invoice, estimate, and PO print settings. By default, they are all available.
– Added Audit Trail entries for various mobile actions. These entries may be viewed from with Total Office Manager or Aptora Mobile II.
– Added a My Inventory List that will display on home page and will only show warehouses and inventory assigned to the user.
– Credit hold has now been implemented in Aptora Mobile II. If a customer is on credit hold, the user can not edit a Work Order or Invoice in Mobile and will tell the user it is on credit hold.
– We added a new list for Customer Equipment in the Lists view. This is a master list of all equipment and features sorting, filtering, and advanced searching.
– Fixed Firefox bug, location longitude and latitude bug with Estimates and Mobile Invoices will now work with our Aptora Mobile II Form Builder plug-in.
– A P.O. reimbursable issue has been resolved. All known and reported bugs have been fixed as of the time of this release.
– We added a new feature called Company Assets in the List view. This List now displays assets just like Total Office Manager with security permissions.
– Added "Our Warranty" and "Mfg Warranty" to the Equipment History list. This feature allows your users to quickly see which repairs and items are under warranty for a selected piece of equipment.
– On customer equipment, when warranty dates have expired, those dates and their labels are now red. All other dates of this type now have the same behavior.