Mobile II Version 5.9.2 Release Notes

5.9.2 Release Notes
Release Date: 4/23/2019


1. Item’s on invoices could be edited when a signature or payment had already been taken.
2. The decline item feature could still be utilized for invoices
on the print preview when a signature or a payment has been taken.
3. Missed Savings displayed on invoices even when the service
agreement savings feature was turned off for work order’s,
invoices or estimates.
4. Could not view work order history when the work order list permission
was turned off.
5. Copy to All User’s did not copy the service agreement savings
settings or the decline item feature settings to all users
for invoices, estimates and work orders.
6. The special order parts filter would not refresh grid when selecting
nothing and clicking Go.
7. Changed the Invoiced filter on the work order list to display “Both”, “Yes”, and “No”.
8. Email confirmations would not send when work order status changed.
9. When capturing signature on the print preview of an invoice,
the printed name field was missing when capturing the signature.
10. Total and Sales Tax were missing on print preview of an estimate.
11. Editing form builder forms did not create a new PDF when clicking
the print icon.
12. When editing a customer the phone field did not have a mask. The
phone number will now be masked to (555) 555-5555.
13. Could not create form builder forms for multi-day work orders.
14. When the preference in TOM (Include WO Brief Description and Tech…)
was turned on, the notes still saved when creating an invoice from
a work order.

1. Sales Opportunity
a. Added the ability to edit the resolved date
when the status is awarded or not awarded.
b. Added the ability to always be able to edit the anticipated date.
2. My Flat Rate Book
a. Added an expand all item descriptions checkbox.
3. Creating Time Sheets
a. When selecting multiple employees, the employee earning
drop down list will populate selections that only exist for
all employee’s selected.
4. Financials – Who Owes Us
a. Changed the who owes us grid to new grid.
5. Multi-Day Work Order
a. Updated side navigation buttons where the entire button is now
6. Adding Work Order Items
a. When adding items to a work order the item position is
now more detailed and describes where each item will be placed in
reference to the existing items on the work order.
7. Customer Equipment List
a. Added a hyperlink on the model text which opens the equipment
to view more in depth details about the item.
8. My Follow Ups
a. Grid now only displays follow ups for the current date.
b. Added a checkbox to allow display of all follow ups.
c. Date column now displays the follow up date instead of the date.

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