If you own Aptora Mobile II and you need to use mobile on your go live date, this is the final piece that needs to be implemented. Aptora Mobile II (AMII) software is a subset of Total Office Manager. AMII uses all the same labels and terminology as TOM. Once you have used TOM, learning AMII is easy.
Videos to Watch Prior to Lesson
For TOM Admin: Aptora Mobile II–Videos 1 to 14 (about 2 hours)
Lesson Time: 60 to 90 minutes
Lesson Topics
- Logging In
- Understanding the Dashboard
- Looking up Customer and Equipment History
- Managing Work Orders
- Creating Invoices and Taking Payments
- Formatting, Previewing, and Emailing Work Orders and Invoices
- App vs. Browser Version
- Converting Mobile Invoices to Invoices in Total Office Manager