Schedule Board Release Notes

Schedule Board Update

Release Notes for Version
Release Date: 05/10/2021 (rolling release)

Thank you for trusting Aptora Corporation with your business management software. We appreciate your feedback and support. We have been working hard to make this the best software possible. We are proud of our latest version.

Note: This is a schedule board only update. We occasionally release a schedule board update and not a Total Office Manager update That way, users can get this update quicker. Future Total Office Manager updates contain prior schedule board updates.

Enhancements and Bug Fixes

  1. Changed schedule board theme to a current Microsoft recommended theme.
  2. Added status message on splash screen that indicates if database is unable to be connected to.
  3. The Phone and Type fields were not populating when using the Appointment Layout.
  4. Ticket TSM-003: Issue where devices that are on the GPS list but not set up in the asset manager showing on the map.
  5. Ticket 27803: Cannot open work orders from the schedule board.
  6. Ticket 28410 Scheduling Wizard typing/search issue.
  7. Ticket 28942: Issue with the scheduling wizard.
  8. Ticket 29298: Issue using the Private option on Appointments.