Total Office Manager 20.11.400 Release Notes

Total Office Manager Update

Release Notes for Version 20.11.400
Release Date: 11/6/2020 (rolling update)

Thank you for trusting Aptora Corporation with your business management software. We appreciate your feedback and support.

Database Update

This update will require all other users to be logged out so that the database can be updated.

New Features and Enhancements

Many of the enhancements and features were added because of our new Feature Request system. The others came from attendees of Aptora University. We wish to thank all of those who participated in offering suggestions for improvement.

  1. POPULAR REQUEST: Added the ability to give someone the option to perform an Admin Override with a special password and not with the Admin password. This is set up at User List/Security > Administrator Bypass Authorization (on the last form of the wizard). Each user can have this capability. The password should be unique. This was a feature request. Ticket CSM050
  2. POPULAR REQUEST: On a purchase order, we added the ability to create custom purchase order templates.  The custom purchase order works in the same way that you can create custom invoices. This was a feature request. Ticket JL287
  3. POPULAR REQUEST: Added the ability to save email signatures within the Internal Emailer. This was a feature request. Ticket JL285
  4. Certain Item types include a field called Mfg. Number. That field has been added to the Invoice Item List, Quick Filter, User Filter, and the Item Lookup forms (all of them). This was a feature request.
  5. You may now select a Group Item type in the Inventory Transfer form > Item Lookup. This was a feature request. Ticket 26450
  6. The PO selection drop-down list (during payable entry) was not being sorted. We added sorting. This was a feature request. Ticket 22890
  7. Memorized Transactions now include the Invoice/Sale Attn Line. This was a feature request. Ticket 26592
  8. We added the same auto fill-down options found on the Bill form to the credit card forms. This was a feature request from Aptora University. Ticket CSM045
  9. Added the Work State field to the Timesheet form > Customer:Job selector. This was a feature request. Ticket JL286
  10. Added a Packing Slip field to the purchasing transactions. This field is separate from the Reference Number and the Reference Number will populate just as it did before when creating a bill from an item receipt. This was a feature request from Aptora University. Ticket CSM043
  11. Added Required Fields to the Payables and Credit Card Charges/Credit forms. These required field selections are located under Edit | Preferences | Vendors | Company Preferences.  This was a feature request. Ticket CSM046
  12. Added a new column to the Credit Card Charges/Credits list called “Has Bill”. The value is Yes or No. If the credit card charge pays one or more bills, the value will be Yes. The column is included by default. This was a feature request. Ticket JL284
  13. A reported typo was corrected, and various tool tips were added. No ticket number.
  14. When saving a customer deposit, we now save the department to the general ledger. Ticket 19680
  15. User interface improvements were made to the new credit card processing system. This feature set is in beta, so not all of you will see it.

Bugs Fixes and Fine Tuning

  1. When editing a budget in the grid, the cursor would sometimes jump around. Ticket 26999
  2. Work order form was not loading Service Agreement when opening the record. Ticket 26792
  3. Fixed an import issue where the following message was returned: “clsImportAJE.import() No transaction is active”.
  4. The Stage selection did not reset to blank with clicking the ‘Save and New’ button on a bill. Ticket 26993
  5. Drilling down on Payroll Summary does not reflect anything but paychecks. Ticket 26498
  6. Changing the Vendor on a Purchase Order removes the Stage (when not yet saved). Ticket 26520
  7. Issue when using the alternative SMTP emailer to email a payment receipt it is not adding a contact log when this option is selected. TSM-00005
  8. When adding a location to a work order, that selection would not save when certain conditions were met. Work Order Locations is a Premium Feature. Not all of you will see this feature.

Yellow Screen Error Submissions

These are the unanticipated errors that open a form with a yellow background. We appreciate any information that users add to this error message prior to clicking the Submit button.

  1. modRptSalesBySalesperson.loadSalesByPersonReport() The multi-part identifier “InvoiceItems.dTotalCost” could not be bound.
  2. modReports.DateRange_SetDates() Invalid property value