Total Office Manager 21.7.1300 Release Notes

Total Office Manager Update

Release Notes for Version 21.7.1300
Release Date: 07/13/2021 

Thank you for trusting Aptora Corporation with your business management software. We appreciate your feedback and support.

Database Update

For on-premises users, this update will require all other users to be logged out so that the database can be updated. Cloud users (hosted) will not need to update their database.

Enhancements and Bug Fixes

  1. Ticket 31397: Corrected an issue where additional payroll withholding was not calculating properly.  This issue was isolated to the 21.6.2600  release.
  2. Ticket 30916: Improved qualifying questions to display on the sales opportunity manager.
  3. Ticket 30399: Expanded the amount field on the taxes section of the employee payroll items setup to five decimals.
  4. Ticket 30997: Improved item lookup function in certain forms.
  5. Ticket 30588: Expanded marketing list results when selecting multiple criteria.
  6. Ticket 31364: Improved functionality to populate work order data on custom work order forms.
  7. Ticket 30874: Improved formatting of notes generated in mobile to display better within Total Office Manager.
  8. Ticket 31291: Corrected an issue where adding a new user in Total Office Manager would uncheck the Show Balance on Sales Tab in the Customer History form.
  9. Ticket 31154: Improved grouping on the Income Statement by Department Wide report when condensed option is selected.