Total Office Manager 22.5.2300 Release Notes

Total Office Manager Update

Release Notes for Version 22.5.2300
Release Date: 4/18/2022 (rolling release)

Thank you for trusting Aptora Corporation with your business management software. We appreciate your feedback and support.

Database Update

This update requires an update to your database. This will require that all users log out of the software program so that the update can run. Once the update has run and the first user logs in, other users will be able to log back into the program in prior versions without being required to update. This update will take anywhere from 15 seconds to 5 minutes depending on the database size.


The following contains feature requests submitted by users like you:

  1. Added an option to flag a marketing type as being used in a marketing campaign.  This option will used in future integrations with marketing platforms.  A new field was added to the Customer:Job form to identify a customer record as part of a Market/Campaign List. For more information on marketing type usage, please review the help topic Marketing Types.
  2. Expanded the Stage feature to Employee records.
  3. Improved F1 Help Topic access for various forms and features within Total Office Manager.
  4. Added additional error handling to prevent application from closing without error.
  5. Added tool tips to preferences, sales opportunities, customers, help, account summary, and many other places to clarify functionality.  Thank you Aptora Pros for suggestions.
    NOTE: Tool Tips are located all over the desktop application.  You may hover over a field to get more information on what the field is expecting, explanation of a preference, etc.
  6. Updated the sorting preferences for the Sales Opportunity List. Also added additional Tool Tips to labels on the Sales Opportunity form.
  7. Added a utility to help remove vendor applications for transactions which are not directly tied to bills and vendor credits. This utility is located under Tools | Utilities | Database Checkup.
  8. Added a label to the date selector on the Trial Balances form.
  9. Improved performance on the work order list.
  10. Added accelerator keys to the tabs on the Customer and Vendor History forms.  By holding down the ALT key and pressing the underlined tab letter, you can quickly navigate between tabs.

Bug Fixes

  1. [Ticket #35288] Corrected Form 940 Division by Zero Error being returned when calculating the report..
  2. [Ticket #34493] Corrected importing for items requiring the account defaults to be set in preferences.
  3. [Ticket #35166] Corrected the Print on Check for vendors not populating from the company name field.
  4. [Ticket #35164] Corrected the Print on Check for employees not populating from the employee name field.
  5. [Ticket #35162]  Corrected the name being passed to to use the Name on Card field.  If this is blank, it will use the Company Name or Customer Name.
  6. [Ticket #35160] Corrected an issue where declined payments would store an authorization code.
  7. [Ticket #35579] Corrected an issue where the Employer Liabilities tab was present when the Payroll Service feature was enabled.
  8. [Ticket #35101] Corrected an issue on the Inventory History Report for Unit of Measure QTOH column only.  When reviewing the report, the QTOH was not increasing/decreasing by the multiplier of the Purchased Unit.  This would only make the report quantity incorrect.
  9. [Ticket #35587] Corrected an issue which would cause the subtotal line to appear more than once on the item’s tab of a work order.
  10. Updated the Active and Inactive records for equipment under File | Company File Information | Record Counts. Active now only shows the entries marked as In Service = Yes.

Yellow Screen Error Submissions

  1. frmDocUploader.uploadFile() Disk full
  2. frmWorkOrderList.Calculate_Footer() Overflow
  3. frmWorkOrder.cmbCustomerJob_ItemChange() Subscript out of range
  4. frmWarehouseAndInventory.createInventoryPartXfer() Multiple-step operation generated errors
  5. frmUserDef.loadRecord() Invalid property value
  6. frmPO.cmdOK_Click() Unable to unload within this context
  7. frmInvoices.getTotals() Data access error
  8. frmInvoices.customerDefaults() Subscript out of range
  9. frmCustInfo.grdPayments_MouseUp() Overflow
  10. frmCustInfo.grdMouseUp() Invalid row number
  11. frmCustInfo.grdMouseUp() Invalid procedure call or argument
  12. frmCustInfo.getInvoices() Subscript out of range
  13. frmCustInfo.cmdRefresh_Click() Invalid use of Null
  14. modRptWOBatch.formatView() Subscript out of range
  15. modRptCommittedCost.displayReport() Subquery returned more than 1 value
  16. modForms.ShowModalForm() Form already displayed; can’t show modally


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