Total Office Manager 23.11.700 Release Notes

Total Office Manager Update

Release Notes for Version 23.11.700
Release Date: 11/10/2023 (rolling release)

Thank you for trusting Aptora Corporation with your business management software. We appreciate your feedback and support.

Database Update

This update requires an update to your database. This will require that all users log out of the software program so that the update can run. Once the update has run and the first user logs in, other users will be able to log back into the program in prior versions without being required to update. This update will take anywhere from 15 seconds to 5 minutes depending on the database size.


The following contains feature requests submitted by users like you:

  1. SOM List. Leads were being sorted first by the Customer Name and then by Date Created. It now sorts by Date and then by Customer Name. The preference controls whether the Date is ascending or descending.

Bug Fixes

  1. Ticket 42333: We fixed the issue related to creating an estimate from a Sales Opportunity.
  2. Ticket 41731: We resolved the issue with transferring SEA from estimate > WO > Invoice. All items are transferred from Estimate to Work Order to Invoice in the same order and with the same price for each item.

Yellow Screen Error Submissions

  1. FrmInvoices.saveHeaderGrid Subscript out of range
  2. FrmInvoices.swapTaxCodes Subscript out of range
  3. FrmInvoices.lstAR_DropDownClose Subscript out of range
  4. ModForms.editCustomer Unexpected error
  5. FrmInvoices.grd_FetchCellStyle Type mismatch
  6. ModRptInvoices.Populate_rdtInvoices Command text was not set for the command object.
  7. ModItem.AverageCost_ByDate Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.
  8. FrmInvList.Void Invalid use of Null
  9. FrmInvoices.lstSerials_DropDownClose Invalid procedure call or argument
  10. FrmInvoices.updateRecord Subscript out of range
  11. FrmCustomDataDownload.fnUpdateViews XML Load failed. Please check fileName.
  12. FrmPO.lstItems_DropDownClose Subscript out of range
  13. ModForms.sortHArray Object doesn’t support this property or method
  14. FrmPRForm940_2007.clearForm Object already loaded
  15. FrmDepartment.beforeUpdate Unclosed quotation mark
  16. FrmInvoices.grd_FetchRowStyle Subscript out of range
  17. FrmWorkOrder.loadRecord Invalid use of Null
  18. FrmEmployees.loadMenu Subscript out of range
  19. FrmContactLog.Form_QueryUnload Data access error
  20. FrmPayments.saveRecord Overflow
  21. FrmInvoices.loadRecord Invalid property value
  22. FrmMarketQuery.loadGrid Data provider or other service returned an E_FAIL status.
  23. FrmWorkOrder.Form_Load Object already loaded
  24. ModForms.FormatActiveBar Object already loaded
  25. FrmWriteChecks.cmbCustJobs_DropDownClose Subscript out of range
  26. FrmInvoices.Form_QueryUnload Property is not available in this context
  27. FrmInvoices.grd_FetchCellStyle Subscript out of range
  28. FrmInvoices.openNotes Subscript out of range
  29. ModForms.getRptForm Component ‘crviewer9.dll’ not correctly registered:
  30. FrmInvoices.deleteMe Subscript out of range
  31. FrmWorkOrder.cmdInfoDetailedDescription_Click Invalid procedure call or argumentMain_Menu.Load_Settings Cannot open file
  32. FrmInvoices.swapMarkups Subscript out of range
  33. FrmNewEmployee.Form_Unload Object doesn’t support this property or method
  34. FrmInvoices.grd_FetchCellStyle Invalid use of Null

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