Total Office Manager Update
Release Notes for Version 24.9.900
Release Date: 9/24/2024 (rolling release)
Thank you for trusting Aptora Corporation with your business management software. We appreciate your feedback and support.
Database Update
No update to your database is required.
The following contains feature requests submitted by users like you:
- We enhanced the Unit of Measure items to automatically update to the suggested retail price in the item edit screen.
Bug Fixes
- Ticket 44871: We corrected the issue where refund checks were incorrectly appearing in the Undeposited Funds/Payment list.
- Ticket 45024: We resolved the issue where the “Alt Pay To The Order Of” field value did not match the “Pay To” name for a vendor on the check.
- Ticket 45159: We fixed the issue where the general journal became unusable after clicking the OK button on the pop-up window.
- Ticket 44757: We resolved the issue where the department could not be updated across all lines in the invoice and the report was not reflecting the department specified in the ‘Info’ section of the invoice.
Yellow Screen Error Submissions
- FrmMarketQuery.incrementPB Invalid property value errors saving new estimate error deleting/voiding a Invoice
- FrmWorkOrder.TDBText1_CloseUp Data access error
- FrmContactLog.saveLog Subscript out of range
- FrmCustInfo.resortAIA Subscript out of range
- FrmRptWOSetup.LoadFormPrefs* Invalid property value
- FrmInvoices.showSpecializedUserInfo* Either BOF or EOF is True
- FrmCustInfo.getWO Data provider or other service returned an E_FAIL status.
- Fixed compile error
- FrmInvoices.autoAddDept Subscript out of range
- FrmFundsTransfer.Load_Data Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted.
- Main_Menu.Load_Settings Unexpected error
- FrmPRNewTimeSheet.Validate Subscript out of range
- ModRptInvoices.TransferRecs_Core Multiple-step operation generated errors.
- ModRecords_2.deleteUsers The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint
- FrmAbout.Label10_MouseDown Subscript out of range
- FrmVenInfo.getReg Subscript out of range
- FrmInvoiceSA.newSA Subscript out of range
- FrmInvReorder.updateVendor The UPDATE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint “FK_Vendors_Items”
- FrmWOMulti.getNewWoInfo Invalid property value
- FrmSchedule.newWO Invalid property value
- ClsListForms.initControls There is already a control with the name ‘tmrSplitter’
- FrmContactLog.lstTopic_DropDownClose Subscript out of range
- FrmCustInfo.resortEquip Subscript out of range