Author name: Tony Blanca

Batch update estimate status

We would like the ability to be able to batch update estimate status. This would help clean up the estimate status so that we can get proper reporting in the new contractor compass installation backlog located in the company dashboard.

Asset Document Links Upload Feature

Would like to be able to upload document links from Mobile for assets. Currently the feature is being used for customers and is on every form. It would be nice to be able to upload pictures of the Vehicles during vehicle inspections or maintenance paperwork.

Show Signature in TOM Estimate

Currently we are only able to show signature in TOM from an invoice. I would like the ability to be able to see the signature in the TOM platform from an estimate without having to log into Mobile estimate to see if a customer approved the job.

Investment Guide Categories

The investment guide categories should not list inventory parts it should only show services. What we have done to help not select a part when pricing a job is we added a * in front of the category name and made the category name all caps to identify it as a price book category and …

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Reminder List Enhancement

Add selection box for customer name. Would like to see an improvement with the Reminders List. When a customer calls and approves a job our dispatchers will put in a contact log and reach out to the sales person to remind them to order materials. The dispatcher will also put that they reminded the sales …

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Estimator Name on Estimates

Currently estimates do not show who estimated the job on estimates in mobile. On the pdf that gets sent out we have no idea who made the estimate unless we look up the customer history. Would like to add the estimators name on the mobile estimates.