We use Aptora payroll, and each year we have issues with compliance stuff (1099-NEC not working, IRS 940 not working, IRS 941 page 2 not printing, etc). All known issues when we file our ticket. If we could export the 1099 and w2 info to a 3rd party it would be very helpful.
Hello. Please have a look at the new Payroll W2 Review Custom Data View (CDV). Let us know if this will work. Do any other fields need to be added? Do we need an another CDV? Thank you.
It would also need 401k and Local taxes added to the W-2 CDV.
I feel your pain. I had to set up a mail merge to manually do the 1099-NEC this year. It took a long time to get the spacing correct. Every year/quarter, I have to manually do the 941, 940, W-2’s, and W-3’s because the numbers are not correct. I have to back into the city tax wage amounts and create substitute W-2’s for each employee that has more than one city tax. This year it was 101 employees. It is very time consuming.
This year we received a lot of questions about W2s and the numbers not being correct. I will say that each W2 we examined had setup problems. We were not able to find an incorrect W2 due to a problem with the software. There may be a calculation problem somewhere, but we did not find any.
I am sure that a lot of people made adjustments to correct numbers without locating and fixing the root cause. This usually means the problems will be back next year. We found a lot of problems related paying small bonuses as well as 401K and similar programs. We are working on a troubleshooting KB article that we hope will help.
Thank you.
We also need the taxable deductions, and they need to be separated. They are coded differently on the W2. It also needs to show wages in Excess for SUTA & FUTA. FUTA only pretaxes Section 125 (Health) and our SUTA(not sure about everyone elses) does not pre tax anything. Also the wages in excess are not the same. If this dataview had these additional items. It should cover all filings for the end of year.