Balance Billed Percentage/$ Value

4 years agoopen3

In the Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate List a quick way to see if ESTIMATES have been billed with the Percentage billed and Value Amount as a column preference.

3 thoughts on “Balance Billed Percentage/$ Value”

  1. Your user name is logged-in. Is this how you entered your name? I want to be sure we do not have some type of technical problem. Thank you.

    By the way, please see the “Progress Billing – Estimate Vs. Billed” report. That report was built to do what you are asking. To add that information to the estimate list would cause big speed problems with the software. That information is not stored. It is calculated.

  2. No this is Ashley with Crest. I have no idea how that happened. I will fix it. The only reason I was asking for this in the list view is so you can use the filters like stages. We use stages to manage our projects and this would show us what jobs have deposits that needs parts ordered, ect.

  3. I am not sure what happened, but it created me another user with no password or anything that required me to log out and log back-in with my credentials. Before I submit or comment I’ll make sure I’m logged in properly in the future.

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