Custom Data View for a budget

4 years agoin progress3Offers to Contribute: $300.00

Hello. Please consider this CDV. We would like to have a CDV that shows our monthly budget compared to our income statement. It should be month to month for the current year. This will help with budgeting. The new budget features are great. We have been using the Excel import and it is fantastic, especially the ability to add blank lines and subtotal. A big thank you to whoever had that idea request. We will pay if there is not enough interest.

3 thoughts on “Custom Data View for a budget”

  1. Ok. No problem. Look, I want this too. I just don’t always get what I want. Weird. Anyway, this has been approved. It may take us into late December. Our “Sprints” are already planned. No report template will be included. We do not need any money for this either. Thanks for the suggestion.

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