Custom Forms Template

4 years agocompleted6Offers to Contribute: $100.00

When designing a custom form (invoice, PO etc.) it would be create to have a template available for modification. The hardest part of the form design is getting the headers, footers and body setup correctly. And for certain items to group, subtotal and total. If the original form was available, then we could modify and move fields around as needed. You could make it so this template had to be saved as a different name. That way the template stays pure and true to the original.

6 thoughts on “Custom Forms Template”

  1. Hello Tina,

    Work orders, invoices, sales, and estimates all have a template that you can start with. It must be saved with a name so the template stays pure. You can also open one you have already created and do a Save As. The PO Custom Style was a feature request and they did not ask for a template. We didn’t volunteer 🙂 .

    Tip: You can also export and import templates. This is helpful for exchanging forms between multiple companies or friends.

    1. For Work Orders, there are only 2 Sample Templates to choose from in Edit Mode. Neither have a list of items. Is there any way to get a copy of the “WO Style 2” RPX so I can further customize that for my company? I am having some major issues trying to create my own. Been working with Arika and Kevin, but being able to edit an existing template would be very helpful.

  2. Hi Tina:

    If you open the Sample Purchase Order CDV and create a new report, there is a template already in this CDV. While in the design mode, click on Preview, hold down the CTLR + F2 key and this will give you the option to save the report file. You may then create a new template on the custom purchase order and import the template you just saved.

  3. I have added a new Purchase Order Template to this Feature Request. Anyone may feel free to download it and use it.

    From a Purchase Order, click Menu > Print/Email Setup

    Click the Custom Styles > Add New (you must click New and not be editing a template).

    From the main menu (top left), click Templates > Import File From Aptora (the file could come from anyone).

    The “Import File from Aptora” menu selection is located in the Report Designer. It is only available when creating a new template. It allows you to import templates built by Aptora or other software users.

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