Do not need to see Service Items in the Add Items Selection

3 months agoopen1

In Mobile we would like to add a preference for the Add Items button that is like the Add Services options. When the technician is searching for inventory items or other items that are not service type, we do not need to see the flat rate task items. This slows us down and forces us to see items we are not looking for. You have this option to filter and remove the inventory items in the add service items selection but is not an option in the add items selection.

1 thought on “Do not need to see Service Items in the Add Items Selection”

  1. Just please don’t make it where they have to go to three places to find line items. We have to do that now in Service Titan (we are moving back to TOM) and that is my guys biggest complaint. We appreciate being able to just go one place to enter line items. But, I do agree with filtering.

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