Payroll Liabilities Report

4 years agoopen3

Payroll Liabilities really needs a report that shows balances as of a certain date. We need to know what makes up the year-end Balance Sheet Payroll Liabilities number and there is no way to get this information per Aptora support.

At 12/31/2020 I have $XX,000 in PR Liabilities. How much of that is FICA? How much of that is State? How much of that is Local?

3 thoughts on “Payroll Liabilities Report”

  1. Hi Alan:

    We have a Payroll Item Detailed History report which shows this activity. Under Reports | Payroll | Payroll Item Detailed History, you can filter for the the payroll liability items and see the activity and balances for each. When comparing this to the Balance Sheet, please remember you can make liability adjustments without affecting the account balances and you can make journal entry adjustments to the accounts without affecting a payroll item. As long as you are processing payroll through paychecks and paying the payroll liabilities through payroll functions, the amount on the Balance Sheet will tie to the Payroll Item Detail and Payroll Liability reports.

  2. Arika’s response provides me what I need, although not at elegant as I would like. Wish that Aptora Support knew about (told me about) this report.
    Thank you for pointing me in the right direction! 🙂

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