See All Support Tickets for our Account

4 years agocompleted1

I would like to have an Admin access to our support tickets. I can currently only see my support tickets. I would like to see all tickets and their status,comments etc for our entire team.

1 thought on “See All Support Tickets for our Account”

  1. Hello Tina,

    This took a while because our old system could not handle the additional capability. We have upgraded our help desk ticketing system. We replaced the entire system. We now have a User Groups feature. Anyway, we have grouped all of your tickets under your company name. You are marketing as a Supervisor. You will be able to see all tickets. Only the Supervisor can see all tickets for all employees. If you want any others marked as a Supervisor, please create a support ticket and list them out. Say that you want to have the following employees setup as Supervisors in your User Group.

    Thank you.

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