
Highlight subtotals in Estimate

We use and love subtotals in estimates but they are hard to find mixed in the grid with a sea of items and groups. TOM should highlight subtotals! Hurray!

Stage Preference

Is there any chance of getting “stages” setup in “Company Preferences” as a require field on Worker Orders Sales/Invoice/Estimate Options and PO? Stages has been one of the best features added, but it only works if employee’s remember to set the stage. I like to keep them from saving the form without it being set.

Delegation system to enter records

Have you ever been frustrated that your co-workers forgot to enter WO’s or PO’s they said they would? How about a TOM delegation system you can assign data entry tasks to users that tags a customer:job and shows up in reminders they need to check off?

Require department field for everywhere

Do you have to go back and assign missing departments when doing a month close like we do? Please add a preference that requires departments throughout all records.

Moneris Merchant

Add integration for Moneris Merchant Gateway for processing cards

Lock the ability to remove captured signature

We have noticed that TOM users can view the captured signature from Mobile but anyone with the ability to edit a work order in TOM can also remove that signature easily. I would to see a security setting for this.