
Filters for Reimbursables

Add filters to the ‘Reimbursable Items’ screen similar to the filters found on the ‘Assign Work Orders’ screen. Some jobs have so many entries making difficult to invoice projects in an efficient and timely manner.

Do not require a warehouse on “Out of stock” invoices

For out of stock invoices, it still requires a warehouse. In order to invoice and collect a payment you have to select a warehouse for product that has not been inventoried yet. Please make it so the warehouse is not required on out of stock.

Memorize A Time Sheet Entry

Add the ability to memorize a time sheet entry. Example: Employee meeting takes place every Wednesday morning from 7:00 am – 8:00 am.

Default GL Acct # for Vendors

When entering bills for Vendors have it auto populate the default GL Acct. Example would be: Power Company default GL will always be 7020 Utilities, Accountant default will always be 7100 Professional Services, etc.