Aptora Mobile II Release Notes

Aptora Mobile II Release Notes
Release Date: October 20, 2020 Hot Fix

Your Apple devices must be on iOS version 13.0 or higher to use the Aptora Mobile II app. Click here to learn more.

Click here for video of new user interface.

When updating, please stop the Internet Information Services (IIS) website for Aptora Mobile II prior to running the Mobile Configuration Utility. Make sure that users clear the cache on the browser and/or the Aptora Mobile II application. This is the best practice with any website update to prevent conflicts with website code changes. If you are not logged into the mobile server and the computer/network administration, please right click on the Mobile Configuration Utility and run as administrator.


1. Fixed an issue with Form Builder not allowing the Form to be edited when there was a Signature field within the Form.
2. Field Form Fields with Text Box and Dates weren’t populating on the Edit Fields.
3. Take a Payment and Credit Card payments were available on an Invoice that didn’t have a type of Mobile Invoice.
4. Amount field was being displayed on an Invoice signature capture, rather than the Balance.
5. Going to the Service Agreement page from the Customer History page was failing. Ticket #26973
6. Users weren’t able to Edit the Purchase Order Item Details. Ticket #27008
7. Opening a Task Descriptions view page from the List was causing an error to occur. Ticket #27008


1. Added a Left Alignment to the Payments that were taken on an Invoice.