Schedule Board Update
Release Notes for Version
Release Date: 6/9/2020
Thank you for trusting Aptora Corporation with your business management software. We appreciate your feedback and support. We have been working hard to make this the best software possible. We are proud of our latest version.
Note: This is a schedule board only update.
If you are on a schedule board version prior to, the following applies to you:
This update does require you to perform a few extra (but simple) steps to get it installed. Why? We replaced the schedule board update system. The new system does not have the ability to remove the old system and that’s the reason for the extra steps.
This link will take you to the prior release notes that contain these instructions. Once you perform these steps, future updates should work normally. Thank you for your help with this.
Bug Fixes
The following issues have been fixed. This release addresses issues 22252, 24014, 24311, and 24649. We did not tag the line items below with ticket numbers because there was some overlap.
- Filter for the Unscheduled Work Order list does not work as expected
- Red border around the scheduler area
- Selected Appointment bug when using the Quick Edit
- Changing the description in an appointment does not cause the ‘Save’ button to enable when changed
- WO Quick Edit: The ‘Work Order Type’ and ‘Ordered By’ fields do not enable the ‘Save’ button when changed
- Switching Schedule Board Profiles was not refreshing the Board with the selected profile’s data.
- Crashing or closing for no apparent reason.