Total Office Manager Release Information
11.0.9 Release Notes
Release Date: 3/09/2018
Payroll Tax Updates:
– RI Disability (Rhode Island) – new rate and wage limit
Software Updates:
Customers & Accounts Receivable:
Fixes and Corrections
– Resized the length of User Defined Fields on the Additional Info tab on the edit Customer:Job form.
– Corrected a reported issue with the billed percentage that was shown on the Customer History Estimates tab.
Schedule/Dispatching, Work Orders, Equipment & Service Agreements:
Fixes and Corrections
– Corrected an issue where work orders created from purchase orders were populating into the work order Client PO field.
Company, Preferences & Security:
Fixes and Corrections
– Corrected a message prompt that may appear stating the download failed when trying to download the update from within Help | Check for Enhancements and Updates.
New Features/Modifications
– Modifications made to the Sales Summary report:
1. The column Invoice/Sale was renamed to Number.
2. New column added for Discounts.
3. Disclaimer at bottom for sales tax was italicized and set to appear in red font.
4. Disclaimer at bottom for discounts was removed.
5. Total label was moved towards the total amounts and bolded.
6. Negative amounts on the report were set to appear in red font.
7. Line details was lowered from 10 to 9 point font.
Fixes and Corrections
– Corrected an issue where credit memos were shown as a positive amount on the Sales Summary Report.
– Corrected an issue reported where accounts with the job costing type Other Direct Cost was showing in the Cost of Goods Sold/Expense section as well as the Other Direct Cost section of the Job Costing Overview report.
– Corrected an issue where the inventory valuation report and the inventory history report only showed whole numbers. These reports now display decimal values in the quantity columns.
– Corrected an issue where journal entries could not be opened from the AR Aging reports.