Total Office Manager 21.11.800 Release Notes

Total Office Manager Update

Release Notes for Version 21.1.800
Release Date: 10/26/2021 (rolling release)

Thank you for trusting Aptora Corporation with your business management software. We appreciate your feedback and support.

Database Update

For on-premises users, this update will require all other users to be logged out so that the database can be updated. Cloud users (hosted) will not need to update their database.


The following contains feature requests submitted by users like you:

  1. Ticket #32176: Removed the asterisks from the shared preferences in the main preference settings form.
  2. Ticket #32935: Added validation to the Pay Bills form to make sure the amount being paid on the bills does not exceed the current balance.  This check helps prevent overpayment of a bill previously marked for payment which has been modified.
  3. Ticket #31998: Modified the import for items to use either the account name or number for the Income, COGS/Expense, and Asset Account columns.
  4. Ticket #32164: Modified the rounding for payroll service bills to make sure the total on the expenses matched the total on the paycheck earnings.  In some instances, this was off $0.02-0.04 cents.
  5. Ticket #32465: Added more filtering options to the master Document Link List.  The list now includes left  side filtering section with Default Filters for This Day, This Month, This Year, and Show All.  Additional fields for the User/Global Filters were also added. The following fields: Alias, Category, File Name, Link, Record, Record Type, Description, Last Opened, Last Opened By, Added By, and Date Created.
  6. Ticket #30154/31003: Removed the opening of memorized for sales transactions and the validation of the associated sales tax item.  If a transaction has an inactive sales tax item in the originating transaction, the customer tax item will be used.  If the customer tax is inactive, the inactive tax item will appear on the sale. You may review this information once the transaction has been generated and correct the tax to the proper item.
  7. Ticket #32161: Added a label to the item history form to show the unit of measure applied.

Bug Fixes

  1. Ticket #32937/32950: Corrected an issue where a deduction would not populate on a paycheck after disabling the Payroll Service feature.
  2. Ticket #30527: Corrected an issue with deductions with percent calculation types including earning totals when the deduction was not assigned to the earning setup.
  3. Ticket #32373: Corrected an issue with the security label for employees being updated with the employee payroll items were modified.
  4. Ticket #32949: Corrected an issue with the service agreement commission including the discount in the calculation for service agreements.  Now only the service item for the service agreement is used for calculating the commission percentage.
  5. Ticket #32931: Corrected an issue with the email body not including the same formatting when generated from the Customer History form.
  6. Ticket #30679: Corrected the cost used on work orders from average cost to estimated cost for items with unit of measure assigned.

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