Total Office Manager 21.12.1300 Release Notes

Total Office Manager Update

Release Notes for Version 21.12.1300
Release Date: 12/15/2021

Thank you for trusting Aptora Corporation with your business management software. We appreciate your feedback and support.

Database Update

For on-premises users, this update will require all other users to be logged out so that the database can be updated. Cloud users (hosted) will not need to update their database.


The following contains feature requests submitted by users like you:

  1. Ticket #33384/33385: Current year update for Form 940
  2. Current year update for Form 1099-NEC
  3. Ticket #29670: Add 10 more levels of Zone Pricing to existing feature
  4. Removed message box warning about the need to rebuild Customer Bills.
  5. Add Work Order Brief Description and Detailed Description to Customer | History | Work Order | Details
  6. Added a link to a Help Topic on several message boxes that are displayed when the user cannot connect to their last Database or Company File.
  7. Removed feedback prompt when exiting program
  8. Chart of Account modifications
  9. Ticket #32176: Removed asterisks from certain items in Preferences
  10. Added Recurring Revenue checkbox in Chart of Accounts

Bug Fixes

  1. Ticket #33274: Rollback to Percentage of GP on Materials Commission method
  2. Ticket #33168: Selected Stage not transferring when duplicating Work Order
  3. Ticket #33169: Cannot resize Filter Section on Document List
  4. Ticket #32936: Custom Invoices stopped suppressing $0 items
  5. Ticket #32936: Incorrect filtering by Warehouse in Inventory History
  6. Ticket #30590/26576: Reimbursable box not checked when Bill created from Purchase Order
  7. Ticket #33170/33087: Document List reverting back to top of list after opening
  8. Ticket #33173: Preference for Vendors not showing in Sales Rep list in Batch Update for Invoices
  9. Ticket #32937: When processing Pay Groups, deductions not pulling into paychecks for some employees

Yellow Screen Error Submissions

  1. modPRProcessPaycheck.Paycheck_Deduction_Totals() Invalid use of Null
  2. LoadLoggedInUsers subscript out of range
  3. frmInvAdj.loadRecord() Invalid property value
  4. modRecords_2.deletePRCommissionMethod() constraint

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