Total Office Manager Update
Release Notes for Version 24.4.1700
Release Date: 4/16/2024 (rolling release)
Thank you for trusting Aptora Corporation with your business management software. We appreciate your feedback and support.
Database Update
No update to your database is required.
The following contains feature requests submitted by users like you:
- To accommodate a wider variety of computer monitor resolutions, we changed the default size of the Assign Hours form and the Adjust Bills form.
- We added a new payment import option within the company import utility menu.
- We made minor label fixes on the Work Order List menu, Work Order Print Setup form, Work Order Batch Update form, and Customer History form
- We fixed an issue related to Time-off, select users experienced a validation bug when saving a time off payroll item.
Bug Fixes
- Ticket 44208: The 941 quarterly form field 5a needs to have a limit for the wage cap to cut off at 168,600 to allow the function to multiply by .124. Instead currently it is reflecting the limit of 2023 168,200. We fix it.
Yellow Screen Error Submissions
- FrmPO.Form_Load A form can’t be moved or sized while minimized or maximized
- FrmPRNewTimeSheet.Validate Subscript out of range
- FrmWorkOrder.lstAssets_DropDownClose Subscript out of range
- ClsImport.cleanDataArray Invalid procedure call or argument
- FrmInvoices.itemSelected Subscript out of range
- ModForms.viewAuditTransactions Overflow
- FrmInvList.Form_Load A form can’t be moved or sized while minimized or maximized
- FrmCustEquipBatchUpdate.prepBatchUpdate Incorrect syntax near ‘,’.
- ModRptPOs.displayReport Subscript out of range
- FrmCustInfo.resortWO Subscript out of range
- FrmCustJobs.addLog Subscript out of range
- FrmInvoices.TDBText1_CloseUp Automation error disconnected from its clients.
- FrmInvoices.loadRecord Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted.
- FrmWorkOrder.loadMenu Subscript out of range
- FrmRatios2.Load_EfficiencyRatio Division by zero
- ModBalances.getCustAging Subscript out of range
- FrmPayBills2.grd_FetchCellStyl Subscript out of range
- FrmPO.lstStage_DropDownClose Subscript out of range
- ModForms.sort_Style_Combo Invalid style index
- FrmPRNewTimeSheet.grdDay_MouseUp Invalid procedure call or argument