Author name: David Clark

Create a Sales Opportunity from an Estimate

Add a menu item to the Estimate page to create a new Sales Opportunity from the current quote. That way you have all of the customer data already populated in the Sales Opportunity and the quote will be linked automatically. This would save time and make creating Sales Opportunitys easier.

Custom Styles on PO

Please add the ability to make a custom style for a Purchase Order. The standard form (the only form) that is included with the software is outdated and my vendors have a hard time reading it accurately. If I could make my own form I could add things like line numbers, separation lines between line …

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Vendor Lookup on History Form

Please add a drop down Lookup to the Vendor field in the Vendor History Form to allow you to switch between Vendors on this Form. From this one form you could lookup just about anything you needed for any Vendor and save the clutter of all of the open tiles on your screen.

Customer Lookup on History Form

Please add a drop down Lookup to the customer field in the Customer History Form to allow you to switch between customers on this Form. From this one form you could lookup just about anything you needed for any customer and save the clutter of all of the open tiles on your screen.