EEO Form

4 years agocompleted2Offers to Contribute: $500.00

Need a list for filling out EEO forms. Currently the Gender and Ethnicity are not listed on any of the Employee List. This is getting to be a very common form that is required. Please add fields to existing list, or even better create the EEO form

2 thoughts on “EEO Form”

  1. We have created a Custom Data View (CDV) to include information about your employees. To access the CDV, please navigate to Reports | Custom Data Views and select Employee Master from the Data Views menu. For information on the field definitions, please review the attached document.

    Any user requiring access to a specific Custom Data View will need to be given permissions once the view has been downloaded. Security permissions may be set by navigating to Company | User List/Security under the Custom Data Views section. When a user first opens a Custom Data View, by default it will load all records for the result set. It is highly recommended each user create a filter(s) for the Custom Data View they are viewing in order to minimize load time on future access to the Custom Data View.

    PLEASE NOTE: This CDV does contain employee sensitive information. You do not want to give access to anyone who would not also have access to payroll withholdings and salaries. This CDV does open the employee’s record. You may then right click and choose Payroll Items to access the payroll data.

    In the CDVs, the amount of reports you are able to create vary with the way you sort, filter, and group the data. You can create an unlimited amount of reports. Using the Employee Master CDV, here are just a few reports you could generate:

    1. Employee Birthday List
    2. Employee Anniversary List
    3. Employee Contact List
    4. Employee Asset Assignment
    5. Employee Mailing List
    6. Employee Salary Review (primary earning only)
    7. Emergency Contact Report
    8. Employee Setup Review

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