Would there be other users who would be willing to split the cost with me to finalize the Office Use version of Geo-Time Tracker Aptora is close on? It seems to have dropped off the radar.
The software doesn’t allow owners to setup employees working in the office to simply ‘add’ their time into their timesheet. It allows them to ‘Add & MODIFY’ their timesheet at any point, up until payroll is paid. Example for our company of 40+ employees, the gal here that verifies labor hours on a daily basis has no way to lock office users out from modifying their timesheet after she has confirmed their hours for the day. And verifying labor hours is a daily intensive process to cross check.
As I understand all that is left to complete is to alter the way they would log into it. Either have users enter a personal code or build in a drop-down menu to select their name. Right now the way it works is a little cumbersome and has the ability to cause bottle necks in the morning with the person having to enter their full user name and password each time they walk up to the IPAD or Tablet on the wall before they can click ‘start’.
Similar how we all use to clock in to work… Walk up to a puncher on the wall (tablet in this case!) Clock-in when you come in, clock out as you leave the building. (lunch, smoke break, leaving for the day, etc.) There will be a tablet or IPAD on the wall so you walk up to it, enter your personal code or select your name and click start or stop.
NO MODIFICATION & QUICK AND EASY PROCESS. Our Company is in Iowa, if you have questions you can reach me at 515-468-1135. Thank you.
We have given our employees a reimbursement for downloading geo time on their phone. We have restricted them to the radio buttons for Working and End Working. This is not the final solution, but hopefully this could help temporarily.
Please comment back on the features and capabilities you need to see for a “Time Clock” mode. Here are our plans for phase one. FYI. We have not done this work because we felt like we had other higher more desirable priorities. Sales of this app have been lower than expected. However, that is why we created this Feature Request system. We want to build a sense of community where your voice can be heard.
The idea is to mount the mobile device on the wall or in a table top stand. It will be plugged in for power and connected to your wifi or cellular plan. We plan to have a “Time Clock” mode. When switched on, users will not log in or out to use the software. Instead, they will enter a numeric PIN. This will be a PIN that you set up in TOM > User Security. The code will tell the time clock who they are and whether or not they are clocking in or out. They will be able to change the default suggestion (in case they forgot to clock in or out). They will be able to select a work order if they wish (not required). They will be able to add a note for HR to read. Once they clock in or out, the screen will go back to “Enter Your PIN” mode. All other functions will be hidden. We will add an Admin page at some point down the road.
We have approved this work and will get it on our development schedule soon. Thanks for the post and comments.