Move “Department” to General Tab on WO

4 years agodeclined7

Department is such a critical piece of information to be correct. Visibility is a big thing especially when department can be auto-populated from other sources. We are finding the wrong department is easy to mess up or overlook.

Please move Department to the General tab so that it is right there in your face instead of in the additional info tab. Department should be part of that information collected on the initial call as it dictates so much of the billing and processes. (i.e. Warranty, Maintenance, COD, etc).

7 thoughts on “Move “Department” to General Tab on WO”

  1. I am 100% certain that doing this work will make some users moderately happy. I am 100% certain that this work will make other users irritated. I wish it were not so, but it is.

  2. Department is one of the fundamentals of this software. It’s front and center on every form except the WO and the Customer form. It’s REALLY easy to overlook or have auto-populated with incorrect info if it’s not on the main screen employees view. We’re finding multiple human errors because if it is populated by default, the user forgets to double-check that it’s the correct department as opposed to getting a reminder that the department is required when blank. Subsequent invoices will then also be wrong and the related reporting as well.

    I think a change like this will eliminate or drastically reduce simple human errors related to department selection.

    1. James, I think a solution to this as well as a feature I would love, is to have a Favorites Tab. You could allow the user to choose which fields out of all the tabs to be on the “FAVORITE” Tab and also allow a preference to have the “Favorite” to be the tab first seen.

  3. I am getting email about making this a preference. I just don’t want to spend that much time on this and open it up to further ideas on where other fields need to be repositioned.

    1. James, I think a solution to this as well as a feature I would love, is to have a Favorites Tab. You could allow the user to choose which fields out of all the tabs to be on the “FAVORITE” Tab and also allow a preference to have the “Favorite” to be the tab first seen.

  4. James, I think a solution to this as well as a feature I would love, is to have a Favorites Tab. You could allow the user to choose which fields out of all the tabs to be on the “FAVORITE” Tab and also allow a preference to have the “Favorite” to be the tab first seen.

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