Author name: Bryan Capritta

Company Preference to Make WO Type a required field on WO.

Can you add a Required field option for WO Type? For us it is a must and filters and workflows depend on someone picking a type. Currently, you can save with the field blank. Please make it an option to make it required so the user cannot save without the WO Type.

Included brief description and detailed description notes in customer history note field.

I think it would beneficial to every company to have all the notes fields included in the work order tab of the customer history screen. In order to see the original purpose for going out on a call, you have to open the work order. Seeing brief descriptions and detailed descriptions in the history tab …

Included brief description and detailed description notes in customer history note field. Read More »

Install Date Field On Invoices That Populates Equipment Dates and Prints on Invoices

Please add a date field that can be set as a semi-required field for “Install Date” to invoices (ie. a warning message that says “Install date is blank, please verify the install date is accurate.”). This field should NOT auto-populate from anything (WO, estimate, etc) and should be manually selected. Please create a company preference …

Install Date Field On Invoices That Populates Equipment Dates and Prints on Invoices Read More »

Add Expected Date for PO to PO tab in Customer History.

I would like to see the PO expected dates in the customer history screen for POs. We regularly use customer history for full snapshots but we have to open each PO to get the eta. Particularly with the state of backorders right now, this would save many hours for us.