I would like to add a new column to the Purchase Order List. A column that shows the “Total Open” amount for each PO.
The data is populated if you open the PO but if you are reviewing the list, a PO that may have partial items already received are not reflected by this column.
My goal would be to help distinguish PO’s that may have only a few items left to receive.
A prefect example is the bill list. There is an Original Amount Column and a Balance Due Column. The total Open column would act as the PO’s Balance due.
This helps my receiving department look for partial items instead of a large shipment.
Thank you for the consideration
Please review this feature request
Hello Steven,
I don’t see this as a priority, as far as what we talk about here: https://support.aptora.com/tips/what-makes-a-great-feature-request/
I see this as fine tuning and not something that a lot of users would be really happy to see. It could also create speed and performance issues. We may consider it in the future when we are finished rebuilding Total Office Manager. In that new system, speed will not be an issue.
Thank you.