Author name: Ashley Porter

Stage to be visible in Item History

Requesting the field “stage” be viewable in all tabs under item history. IE if you use line item stages from a quote, and need to order parts you can see that part needs to be ordered/pulled or reserved for what jobs and stack your pos.


So I have been told by support I click backs and performance issue within TOM because of power user performance being in every aspect of the software at all periods of time. This causes the need to have a lot of windows open. Requesting a “DASHBOARD” or PIN to favorites list feature that you can …

Dashboard Read More »

Create Work Orders from Assets

The ability to create and appointment from assets for scheduled service, inspections so you can schedule it on the dispatch board and keep history from the asset. Another idea would be to link a asset to a customer like you can an employee and warehouse and keep track where its been serviced similar to the …

Create Work Orders from Assets Read More »

Balance of Payment In payment list

Ability to filter from payment list by customer with payment on account. This way you know if payments were applied incorrectly or how much money is sitting out unapplied at a quick glance.

Add inventory to equipment

When adding parts to the system a box that you check if you want that part to automatically add to equipment like serialize items do. This would save a ton of time manually entering non-serialized equipment into the system

Stage On Inventory Part

Ability to add a stage to a part for inventory counting purposes. IE – Counted / Not Counted/ New to Inventory/Not Stocked. Also ability to batch update the stage of the inventory part.

Batch Update Item

Ability to batch update “General Bin ” under Batch update item

Database Checkup 0 Cost filter

Add the ability to filter the Database checkup Invoice/Sales/Credits by Old 0.00 so when your fixing 0 costing mistakes it takes les time to filter through the list. This would reduce the hours of time it takes to fix 0 costing invoices.

Task Automation from Stage

The ability to assign tasks to stages and link these to employees so as a stage is updated it sends a task to the employee associated to that task so they no they need to handle the next task inline.