Author name: Zack Thomas

Password Reset on next login

Can we add the ability to both TOM and Mobile that would force password reset on next login? Similar to how you can mange passwords in Office 365 and Active Directory.

Contact log in mobile

We would like to see when an email is sent from mobile that a contact log entry be made for that customer. Sometimes we do not know if the tech actually emailed the customer from the field or not.

Schedule Board Saving Settings

Our Dispatcher has asked for the ability to save her layout and settings in the schedule board. Every time she opens the board she has to setup how the unscheduled work order list sorts.

Increase Tech Notes Box Default Size

Our techs are complaining while using the Aptora Mobile App the tech notes box in work order is very small. We know when using the web browser version you can adjust the size of this box but it the app it is very difficult. Can the default size be adjusted to accommodate viewing more notes.

Reimbursable by WO #

Our Controller has suggested that it would be nice to be able to pull the “reimbursable” report by work order # instead of just by customer name. In our office everything is by the Work Order Number

Customer Merge

We would like to see the ability to merge a customer / job with an administrative password. Currently you get a notice that the parent to a child has accounting associated with it and the system will not let you merge the child. Example: ABC Leasing Company:123 Main Street ABC sells 123 Main Street to …

Customer Merge Read More »

Executive Summary by Date

Our Administrative staff loves this report but they can not pull it by date. When you pull the report it is at that current time and date. Is there a way to pull the report as of a certain date? This would be very beneficial to us as well as others i imagine.

Customer Portal

Has there been any thought to a customer portal? Where the customer can log in to view their invoices, work orders, and history.