
Add additional contacts in Mobile WO

Can we add all contacts to the contact screen? It only shows the main number and techs don’t have quick/easy access to other numbers like alternative cell phones etc. It would also be nice to be able to document a phone number as a preferred contact method. Maybe a check box or something.

Customizable WO Status

The ability to customize WO status would greatly reduce the amount of verbal communication with our dispatcher. There is currently nothing in the status list to reflect the need to return to the job, parts needed, parts ordered, ect. If we could add in our own status options then it could be color coded on …

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Customer Merge

We would like to see the ability to merge a customer / job with an administrative password. Currently you get a notice that the parent to a child has accounting associated with it and the system will not let you merge the child. Example: ABC Leasing Company:123 Main Street ABC sells 123 Main Street to …

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Investment Guide Categories

The investment guide categories should not list inventory parts it should only show services. What we have done to help not select a part when pricing a job is we added a * in front of the category name and made the category name all caps to identify it as a price book category and …

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Ability to round all group items to the nearest dollar

When making group items, the calculated price can easily include 2 decimal places. It would be much more convenient for collecting cash and tracking purposes if we could choose to have the sale price automatically round up or down to the nearest dollar.

Department set up

We removed our parent departments because staff kept choosing them for transactions, when we just wanted them for reporting purposes. Having the ability to lock out parent departments from being selected in transactions would resolve this, and make for better reporting.